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IMAGE Error ( Could not find image file
Stack Trace
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/mpdf/mpdf/mpdf.php: 11752
11747 function _imageError($file, $firsttime, $msg) 11748 { 11749 // Save re-trying image URL's which have already failed 11750 $this->failedimages[$file] = true; 11751 if ($firsttime && ($this->showImageErrors || $this->debug)) { 11752 throw new MpdfException("IMAGE Error (" . $file . "): " . $msg); 11753 } 11754 return false; 11755 } 11756 11757 function _getImage(&$file, $firsttime = true, $allowvector = true, $orig_srcpath = false, $interpolation = false)
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/mpdf/mpdf/mpdf.php: 11831
11826 $type = $this->_imageTypeFromString($data); 11827 } 11828 } 11829 } 11830 if (!$data) { 11831 return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Could not find image file'); 11832 } 11833 if (empty($type)) { 11834 $type = $this->_imageTypeFromString($data); 11835 } 11836 if (($type == 'wmf' || $type == 'svg') && !$allowvector) {
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/mpdf/mpdf/Tag.php: 3271
3266 } 3267 $info['interpolation'] = $interpolation; 3268 } 3269 3270 // Image file 3271 $info = $this->mpdf->_getImage($srcpath, true, true, $orig_srcpath, $interpolation); // mPDF 6 3272 if (!$info) { 3273 $info = $this->mpdf->_getImage($this->mpdf->noImageFile); 3274 if ($info) { 3275 $srcpath = $this->mpdf->noImageFile; 3276 $w = ($info['w'] * (25.4 / $this->mpdf->dpi));
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/mpdf/mpdf/mpdf.php: 16543
16538 $attr[strtoupper($a3[1])] = trim($a3[2]); 16539 } 16540 } 16541 } 16542 } 16543 $this->tag->OpenTag($tag, $attr, $a, $i); // mPDF 6 16544 /* -- CSS-POSITION -- */ 16545 if ($this->inFixedPosBlock) { 16546 $this->fixedPosBlockBBox = array($tag, $attr, $this->x, $this->y); 16547 $this->fixedPosBlock = ''; 16548 $this->fixedPosBlockDepth = 1;
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/app/classes/RutasmPDF.php: 215
210 211 // Descripció 212 $content .= '<h3 style="">'.WebStrings::t('LABEL_DESCRIPTION','web').'</h3>' 213 .$model->translate('description'); 214 215 $this->WriteHTML($content); 216 } 217} 218 219
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/app/classes/WebUtils.php: 142
137 // Footer 138 $mpdf->setAutoBottomMargin = 'stretch'; 139 $mpdf->put_footer($title); 140 141 // Content 142 $mpdf->put_content($model,'empresa'); 143 144 $folder = LITHIUM_APP_PATH.'/resources/pdfs/'; 145 146 if (!is_dir($folder)) { 147 mkdir($folder,0777,true);
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/app/controllers/WebController.php: 701
696 697 // Generem pdf segons model, ens torna l'arxiu 698 if ($model === 'routes') { 699 $output_file = WebUtils::create_route_pdf($id); 700 } elseif ($model === 'empreses') { 701 $output_file = WebUtils::create_empresa_pdf($id); 702 } 703 704 // Si tenim arxiu el mostrem 705 if(is_file($output_file)) { 706
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/lithium/core/Object.php: 177
172 * @return mixed Returns the result of the method call 173 */ 174 public function invokeMethod($method, $params = array()) { 175 switch (count($params)) { 176 case 0: 177 return $this->{$method}(); 178 case 1: 179 return $this->{$method}($params[0]); 180 case 2: 181 return $this->{$method}($params[0], $params[1]); 182 case 3:
lithium\action\Controller::__invoke()::{closure} @ 198
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/lithium/action/Controller.php: 212
207 if (!method_exists($self, $action)) { 208 throw new DispatchException("Action `{$action}` not found."); 209 } 210 $render['template'] = $render['template'] ?: $action; 211 212 if ($result = $self->invokeMethod($action, $args)) { 213 if (is_string($result)) { 214 $self->render(array('text' => $result)); 215 return $self->response; 216 } 217 if (is_array($result)) {
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/lithium/core/Object.php: 263
258 */ 259 protected function _filter($method, $params, $callback, $filters = array()) { 260 list($class, $method) = explode('::', $method); 261 262 if (empty($this->_methodFilters[$method]) && empty($filters)) { 263 return $callback($this, $params, null); 264 } 265 266 $f = isset($this->_methodFilters[$method]) ? $this->_methodFilters[$method] : array(); 267 $data = array_merge($f, $filters, array($callback)); 268 return Filters::run($this, $params, compact('data', 'class', 'method'));
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/lithium/action/Controller.php: 226
221 222 if (!$render['hasRendered'] && $render['auto']) { 223 $self->render(); 224 } 225 return $self->response; 226 }); 227 } 228 229 /** 230 * This method is used to pass along any data from the controller to the view and layout 231 *
lithium\action\Dispatcher::lithium\action\{closure}() @ ?
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/lithium/action/Dispatcher.php: 274
269 */ 270 protected static function _call($callable, $request, $params) { 271 $params = compact('callable', 'request', 'params'); 272 return static::_filter(__FUNCTION__, $params, function($self, $params) { 273 if (is_callable($callable = $params['callable'])) { 274 return $callable($params['request'], $params['params']); 275 } 276 throw new DispatchException('Result not callable.'); 277 }); 278 } 279}
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/lithium/core/StaticObject.php: 140
135 protected static function _filter($method, $params, $callback, $filters = array()) { 136 $class = get_called_class(); 137 $hasNoFilters = empty(static::$_methodFilters[$class][$method]); 138 139 if ($hasNoFilters && !$filters && !Filters::hasApplied($class, $method)) { 140 return $callback($class, $params, null); 141 } 142 if (!isset(static::$_methodFilters[$class][$method])) { 143 static::$_methodFilters += array($class => array()); 144 static::$_methodFilters[$class][$method] = array(); 145 }
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/lithium/action/Dispatcher.php: 277
272 return static::_filter(__FUNCTION__, $params, function($self, $params) { 273 if (is_callable($callable = $params['callable'])) { 274 return $callable($params['request'], $params['params']); 275 } 276 throw new DispatchException('Result not callable.'); 277 }); 278 } 279} 280 281
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/lithium/core/StaticObject.php: 84
79 case 1: 80 return static::$method($params[0]); 81 case 2: 82 return static::$method($params[0], $params[1]); 83 case 3: 84 return static::$method($params[0], $params[1], $params[2]); 85 case 4: 86 return static::$method($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], $params[3]); 87 case 5: 88 return static::$method($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], $params[3], $params[4]); 89 default:
lithium\action\Dispatcher::run()::{closure} @ 153
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/lithium/action/Dispatcher.php: 166
161 162 if (!$params) { 163 throw new DispatchException('Could not route request.'); 164 } 165 $callable = $self::invokeMethod('_callable', array($result, $params, $options)); 166 return $self::invokeMethod('_call', array($callable, $result, $params)); 167 }); 168 } 169 170 /** 171 * Attempts to apply a set of formatting rules from `$_rules` to a `$params` array, where each
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/lithium/util/collection/Filters.php: 206
201 public function next($self, $params, $chain) { 202 if (empty($self) || empty($chain)) { 203 return parent::next(); 204 } 205 $next = parent::next(); 206 return $next($self, $params, $chain); 207 } 208 209 /** 210 * Gets the method name associated with this filter chain. This is the method being filtered. 211 *
lithium\core\ErrorHandler::apply()::{closure} @ 246
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/lithium/core/ErrorHandler.php: 248
243 $wrap = static::$_exceptionHandler; 244 $_self = get_called_class(); 245 246 $filter = function($self, $params, $chain) use ($_self, $conditions, $handler, $wrap) { 247 try { 248 return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain); 249 } catch (Exception $e) { 250 if (!$_self::matches($e, $conditions)) { 251 throw $e; 252 } 253 return $handler($wrap($e, true), $params);
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/lithium/util/collection/Filters.php: 206
201 public function next($self, $params, $chain) { 202 if (empty($self) || empty($chain)) { 203 return parent::next(); 204 } 205 $next = parent::next(); 206 return $next($self, $params, $chain); 207 } 208 209 /** 210 * Gets the method name associated with this filter chain. This is the method being filtered. 211 *
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/app/libraries/gl_core/config/bootstrap/action.php::{closure} @ 141
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/app/libraries/gl_core/config/bootstrap/action.php: 145
140 $file = "{$config['path']}/config/routes.php"; 141 file_exists($file) ? call_user_func(function() use ($file) { include $file; }) : null; 142 } 143 144 145 return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain); 146}); 147
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/lithium/util/collection/Filters.php: 206
201 public function next($self, $params, $chain) { 202 if (empty($self) || empty($chain)) { 203 return parent::next(); 204 } 205 $next = parent::next(); 206 return $next($self, $params, $chain); 207 } 208 209 /** 210 * Gets the method name associated with this filter chain. This is the method being filtered. 211 *
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/li3_docs/config/bootstrap.php::{closure} @ 11
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/li3_docs/config/bootstrap.php: 17
12 $indexPath = Libraries::get(true, 'path') . '/resources/docs.index.json'; 13 14 if (file_exists($indexPath) && is_readable($indexPath)) { 15 Code::index((array) json_decode(file_get_contents($indexPath), true)); 16 } 17 $result = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain); 18 19 if (($index = Code::index()) && is_array($index) && is_writable(dirname($indexPath))) { 20 file_put_contents($indexPath, json_encode($index)); 21 } 22 return $result;
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/lithium/util/collection/Filters.php: 187
182 } 183 } 184 185 $chain = new Filters($options); 186 $next = $chain->rewind(); 187 return $next($class, $params, $chain); 188 } 189 190 /** 191 * Provides short-hand convenience syntax for filter chaining. 192 *
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/lithium/core/StaticObject.php: 147
142 if (!isset(static::$_methodFilters[$class][$method])) { 143 static::$_methodFilters += array($class => array()); 144 static::$_methodFilters[$class][$method] = array(); 145 } 146 $data = array_merge(static::$_methodFilters[$class][$method], $filters, array($callback)); 147 return Filters::run($class, $params, compact('data', 'class', 'method')); 148 } 149 150 /** 151 * Gets and caches an array of the parent methods of a class. 152 *
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/libraries/lithium/action/Dispatcher.php: 167
162 if (!$params) { 163 throw new DispatchException('Could not route request.'); 164 } 165 $callable = $self::invokeMethod('_callable', array($result, $params, $options)); 166 return $self::invokeMethod('_call', array($callable, $result, $params)); 167 }); 168 } 169 170 /** 171 * Attempts to apply a set of formatting rules from `$_rules` to a `$params` array, where each 172 * formatting rule is applied if the key of the rule in `$_rules` is present and not empty in
/home/gironalabs/rutasporetapas_production/current/app/webroot/index.php: 41
36 * @see lithium\action\Response 37 * @see lithium\action\Dispatcher 38 * @see lithium\net\http\Router 39 * @see lithium\action\Controller 40 */ 41 echo lithium\action\Dispatcher::run(new lithium\action\Request()); 42 43