- Pirineos, Cataluña (España)
- Distancia:125 km
- Desnivel:10.000 m+
- Etapas:10
- Ruta circular:No
3mils.cat is a journey of high mountain trekking route and to crown consecutively all peaks 3,000 meters located in the community of Catalonia.Mountain crossing is designed to perform on 10 stages, about 6 hours approx. on average each day, covering a total of about 125 kilometers and an accumulated slope of climb of about 10,000 meters.
Although it could be done in less days, this journey is not designed to compete, but to enjoy and enjoy an incredible landscape.
The route begins formally top of Cerro de Molières or Mulleres and ends at Pico Redondo Canalbona, crossing the beautiful valleys of Molières, Besiberri and Boí and protected landscapes of the National Park Aigüestortes - San Mauritius and the Natural Park Alto Pyrenees.
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1 Comentarios.
Excel·lent travessa pels 10 cims més alts de Catalunya (tots els que fan més de 3000metres). Una experiència inolvidable. Travessa de 10 dies (tot i que es pot fer en menys) pensada per gaudir i no per competir. Cal estar en bona forma física però no cal ser Killian Jornet. L'editorial Alpina ha editat una guia de la travessa "3mils.cat", molt útil. Qui vulgui els tracks, a la web http://3mils.cat si li demaneu a l'autor us els enviarà per email.
Jordi Puignero - 05/06/2017 04:07:04